Divinity: Original ...
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Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Baldur's Gate, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Dark Souls, Diablo III, Divinity II: Кровь Драконов, Divinity: Original Sin, Dragon Age: Начало, Dragon Age II, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Drakensang: The River Of Time, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The, Fable III, GAMER.ru, Neverwinter, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Risen, Risen 2, Risen 3: Titan Lords, Tomb Raider (2013), Two Worlds 2, Ведьмак, Ведьмак 2: Убийцы королей, Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота, Готика 4: Аркания , Игровое железо, Конкурсы, Новости, Пути Истории
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Плюсатор corso 24
Плюсатор corso 24
Ну а потом был найден способ пользоваться ими всеми бесплатно.
Плюсатор corso 24
Плюсатор corso 24
Плюсатор corso 24
короче попробую с до 1.1 пропатчить если не выйдет, то методом Ксндра, всё снести и пропатчить сразу с до 1.1
Плюсатор corso 24
Плюсатор corso 24
заново не охото проходить(хоть второй раз по любому перепройду)
Плюсатор corso 24
Current ETA is Wednesday evening (Europe time)
- better performance (owners of retail version will notice the biggest difference)
- no more DLC download/activation problems (Troll DLC will be INCLUDED in the patch itself, so
no need to download and install it)
- Nvidia 3D vision problem solved
- invert mouse and keyboard mapping
PS. Once this patch is in the tests right now, we already have started working on the next one in which we want to solve some more issues, including hardware specific problems (ie. g35 compatibility). Patch 1.1 seems to be very major one, but still if you don't find your problem on the list, there is a big chance that it will fixed soon in next patch. And we will really do all this ASAP.
Плюсатор corso 24
Плюсатор corso 24